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Charter School of Morgan Hill

A Family of Learners

Parent Participation

Parent Participation

Parent Participation is part of Charter School of Morgan Hill's mission and vision. We expect all parents to be involved in their child's education. For this reason, we do not have a traditional PTA and/or Home and School Club. Oftentimes, only a few parents are active in these organizations and our goal is to develop a culture where 100% of the parents participate. All parents are expected to attend the following school events:

  • Back to School Night
  • Fall and Spring Exhibitions
  • Conferences in November and March
  • Annual State of the School Meeting

Family involvement also means that each parent/guardian actively communicates the importance of a good education to his or her child. Parents demonstrate that education is a priority in their homes when:

  • children attend school daily
  • children arrive to school on time prepared to participate and learn.
  • children complete homework assignments and hand them in on time
  • children follow school rules, showing respect to teachers, staff, parent volunteers, and fellow students.
  • parents personally communicate with teachers when they have questions, concerns, or suggestions
  • parents attend school events and meetings

Family involvement as it relates to active support of the school and its mission can be accomplished in a variety of ways. We have a parent coordinator group that helps each family discover its service niche within the school. The system is so flexible that every parent can find meaningful ways to contribute to the school and its mission (i.e. classroom support, help in the office, hot lunch servers, technology advisors, translation team, materials' preparation, recess duty helpers, facility team, carpool assistants, data entry team, health aide, event planners-the list is endless). We do not want our families to see family involvement as a burden, but rather, as an opportunity and a privilege.