What is ELO-P?
The Expanded Learning Opportunities-Program (ELO-P) is a state and locally funded program that CSMH began offering in the 2022-2023 school year. “Expanded learning” means before school, after school, summer, or intersession learning programs that focus on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of students through hands-on, engaging learning experiences. The programs are pupil-centered, results driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate, learning activities in the regular school day and school year.
As a local educational agency (LEA) we operate the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program pursuant to the requirements in California Education Code Section 46120, including the development of a program plan. The CSMH ELO-P plans were approved before offering the program in June of 2022. The ELO-P plans are to be reviewed and approved by the Board every 3 years in compliance with state funding guidelines (EC Section 46120[b][2]).
Examples of ELO programs include clubs, field trips, and tutoring programs. Such opportunities build skills through hands-on, experiential learning, and expand upon traditional learning that happens during the school day. Language of the bill gives much room for interpretation. It states that ELO-P funds may be used to: “[S]upport pupil access to expanded learning opportunity programs, which may include, but is not limited to, hiring literacy coaches, high-dosage tutors, school counselors, and instructional day teachers and aides to assist pupils as part of the local educational agency’s program enrichment activities.
Intersessional Days for 2024-2025 School Year
Intersessional Days for 2023-2024 School Year
The ELO-P program is offered to students in kindergarten-6th grade from dismissal to 6:00 pm every regular school day through our partnership with the YMCA. This program includes homework help and enrichment activities. The program is free for any of the following students:
Our ELO-P satisfies the offer requirement by conducting outreach to our students and families in compliance with guidelines (EC Section 46120[e][5]). CSMH notifies families through Parent Square, via E-Mail, in Electronic Friday Folder attachments, on the school website, through school social media accounts, staff newsletters, and communication with the designated site coordinators.
A collective effort of staff will be used to develop a diverse curriculum to support the learning needs of all students. Additionally, we use a combination of staff and community resources to provide enrichment opportunities.
Certified Teachers
Tutoring, small group support, teaching intersessional days, developing lessons
Classified Staff
Tutoring, enrichment activities, student supervision, teacher support
Educational Community Partners
Provide diverse enrichment opportunities
after school care on regular and intersessional days enrichment activities
The ELO-P program is offered to students in kindergarten-6th grade from dismissal to 6:00 pm every regular school day through our partnership with the YMCA. This program includes homework help and enrichment activities. The program is free for any of the following students:
Our ELO-P satisfies the offer requirement by conducting outreach to our students and families in compliance with guidelines (EC Section 46120[e][5]). CSMH notifies families through Parent Square, via E-Mail, in Electronic Friday Folder attachments, on the school website, through school social media accounts, staff newsletters, and communication with the designated site coordinators.
A collective effort of staff will be used to develop a diverse curriculum to support the learning needs of all students. Additionally, we use a combination of staff and community resources to provide enrichment opportunities.
Certified Teachers
Tutoring, small group support, teaching intersessional days, developing lessons
Classified Staff
Tutoring, enrichment activities, student supervision, teacher support
Educational Community Partners
Provide diverse enrichment opportunities
after school care on regular and intersessional days enrichment activities