Charter School of Morgan Hill uses project-based learning, strong family involvement and community interaction to develop lifelong learners prepared to be successful and innovative participants in the global community.
Charter School of Morgan Hill is committed to:
This mission statement reflects the vision developed by the original Charter School Launch Team. This vision identified three elements critical to developing educated children who are well prepared for the 21st century: strong academics, community interaction, and family involvement. The result will be an academically demanding, community-connected elementary and middle School program with strong family involvement. To implement this vision requires eight components that address one or more of these key elements:
Children excel when standards are high and when academic achievement is valued. All students will be expected to perform at their highest level and to excel in the content areas outlined in the state curriculum standards.
Children understand the importance of learning when they experience their family investing time in supporting that effort. Families will contribute in a variety of significant ways to support both their own children's efforts to excel and to enhance the learning experiences of all students at the School.
Knowledge is best retained when it is used. Students will develop and acquire new skills by participating in interactive projects, hands-on learning activities and field trips into the community. Project oriented programs allow students to learn and apply academics to real-life activities so that knowledge is meaningful, long lasting and effective.
In today's society, technology plays a significant role in everyday life and global affairs. Every student will have ready access to technology and will learn to use it for research, analysis, communication, organization and self-expression.
All students will benefit from regular exposure to a variety of programs such as foreign language, life skills, physical education, music and other fine arts.
Public schools must produce knowledgeable and involved citizens. Students will learn to understand their connection to the community and their responsibilities as members. The curriculum will incorporate community service projects and community-based, hands-on activities.
Citizens of the 21st century need a concrete understanding of the diversity of language and culture in both their immediate community and the world.
At Charter School of Morgan Hill each student will be well known and valued as an individual with his/her specific needs taken into consideration.